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Our story

Inga has always been someone who respected nature, hence she made a conscious decision early on to avoid buying any product containing palm oil, as palm oil production is responsible for a large scale loss of wildlife habitat across the globe. However, when she was looking for palm oil free products, she had to realise that on the current market there are not too many options to choose from, so she decided to make her own.

Crafting soap bars turned out to be a lot more fun than she first thought it would be, so this quickly turned into a hobby in which she could channel her creativity in a way her professional career in corporate HR has never made it possible. To deepen her knowledge of herbs and natural cosmetics, she is currently working towards a degree in Naturopathy.

After lots of positive feedback on our soaps from family and friends, she decided to share this journey with the wider community, and set up a small shop with the help of husband Peter, who is absolutely awesome and may or may not have written this whole thing.

I hope you enjoy using our products as much as we enjoy crafting (as well as using) them.

Meet Inga and Peter, the husband & wife team behind your favourite natural soaps


Handcrafted soaps and beauty products made with 100% natural ingredients.

Zing's Botanicals natural soap selection
Zing's Botanicals natural soap selection
Zing's Botanicals natural rose soap
Zing's Botanicals natural rose soap
Zing's Botanicals logo
Zing's Botanicals logo
Zing's Botanicals natural soap bars
Zing's Botanicals natural soap bars
Zing's Botanicals natural calendula soap
Zing's Botanicals natural calendula soap
Zing's Botanicals natural lavender soap bars
Zing's Botanicals natural lavender soap bars
Zing's Botanicals natural rose soap
Zing's Botanicals natural rose soap